Contest: Batgirl Rising

We’re having our first contest of the year! Aren’t you all excited?

Now this contest is all about Batgirl and comes in two parts:
I love Phil Noto - Dee
1. New Readers

We have two trades of Batgirl Rising that we sold our souls to get.  Comprising the first seven issues of Bryan Q Miller’s run  – with art by Lee Garbett and a gorgeous Phil Noto cover – it tells the story of the newest Batgirl and how she came to hold the mantle.

What we want are people who haven’t read this before.  We want people who are unfamiliar with Stephanie Brown as Batgirl.  You don’t have to be new to comics, you can be familiar with Babara Gordon, Cass Cain, or any other label or title.  If you’ve never read this Batgirl series and are willing to give it a chance, this contest is for you!

In return for a copy of Batgirl, you’ll be asked to provide a 300-500 word review of the book by the end of February, to be used on the site.

Interested?  Comment here with ‘new reader’ and that you’d like in.  We’ll randomly pick 2 people for this honour.

2. Old Readers

Okay, so ‘old’ isn’t the right word.  But are you already reading Batgirl?  Have you read at least a few issues but haven’t gotten all of them?  Are you a huge fan who goes to your LCS every Wednesday to grab it??  Then do we have something for you.

The lovely Bryan Q Miller has decided to help us out here.  He’s providing signed copies of Batgirl 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, RH, 15, 16 and likely a copy of 17 when it comes out (he’s all out of 14).  One lucky reader will be chosen at random to receive these on the same deal.  Read them, review them, provide us with a write up by the end of February.

Comment with ‘old reader’ and tell us your favourite scene or moment from Batgirl so far.

Oh, and if you already own these issues in the unsigned form?  We ask that you pass them along to someone who doesn’t, to try and spread the Batgirl love.

Winners will be chosen this Friday at 7pm EST.  So spread the word and get entering!

While you’re at it, check out our 7 reasons to give Stephanie Brown a chance, and feel free to add your 2cents there too!

About deense

Canastralian. Cosplayer. Comic book addict. Travel addict. Convention addict. ...I think that's a lot of addictions and I might need a 12 step program
This entry was posted in DC, Favorites of 2010, Giveaway, Misc. Bookmark the permalink.

83 Responses to Contest: Batgirl Rising

  1. Natasha says:

    Old reader. My favorite moment so far is from #17 when Stephanie realizes that Damien doesn’t know how to play like a normal kid. It was that moment where I got to see Damien through Stephanie’s eyes and made me a) appreciate Steph even more, and b) reiterated that I can actually tolerate and sympathize with Damien when BQM writes him.

  2. Sarah says:

    New Reader. I would definitely be interested! I was just thinking the other day the new Batgirl is one of the few things I haven’t caught up with since the whole Bruce died, trapped in time, then revived storyline. And I love me some girls in capes and tights kicking butt!

  3. Jillian says:

    New reader, I’d love in!

  4. Leshia says:

    New reader! Um, I really like Batwoman and I think this girl used to be a Robin? That’s about the extent of my knowledge, but you’ve got me intrigued. XD

  5. Laura says:

    New reader, and I’d be in. I have a pretty limited experience with comics, but I’d love to expand my horizons, and I’m really interested in female representations in media.

  6. Talia says:

    New Reader. I’ve never read any of the batgirl series. Though they have been looking awfully tempting on the shelves of late, what with that striking cover art. I’d be very interested to get my hands on a few old trades to really acquaint myself with the series. Great competition :)

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  8. Jean says:

    Older reader. My favorite moment is from #5 (and no, it’s not the frozen Damian, although that was great, too). Damien goes to Steph and asks her why she is doing what she is doing (’cause he thinks she’s so bad as a hero) and Steph tells him its about hope. She later tells Tim something similar and basically thats what I love about Steph. She fights because she has hope for the future and that Gotham can be a better place. It’s also a moment that shows Steph could become the “Clark” to Damians “Bruce” . I hope BQM can show us more of these moments between the two.

  9. Kai Charles says:

    New Reader I haven’t read Batgirl in years and don’t know anything about Stephanie Brown

  10. Sara says:

    New reader. I’m just recently getting into comics, and I would love to start reading this series of Batgirl. Great contest!

  11. Sil says:

    Old reader and really, I think my love of everything Steph has been documented. I don’t know if I can pick a favorite moment (though Stephanie using her powers of awesome to make Damian sympathetic is definitely up there.) There are just too many fantastic moments, even just since she’s been Batgirl.

    But I’m going with Stephanie at her Determinator best and taking up Cass’s uniform in BG1: “I choose to fight.”

    (Honorary mentions go to: Stephanie slapping Bruce for JUSTICE, and Batgirl kicking Pru’s ass while Tim was busy having a meltdown about how he (nearly) got her killed. Sorry, former Boy Wonder, you were saying?)

  12. Sarita says:

    New reader. Very interested. With the way things are nowadays, it’s expensive to but comics and I usually just wait for trades and even then there’s so many (old and new) to choose from. I would love a chance to catch up and dive a little more into the Batman universe overall. truly, most of what I know comes from reading big events (like 52 and the Crises) or Superman-related titles (Superman/Batman). Here’s hoping…

  13. Sarah says:

    New reader! My comics reading has never really made its way to superheroes because it’s just so overwhelming. Free things will fix that!

    (Also love the idea of asking winners to write reviews. That is a pretty fancy idea.)

  14. Rebecca Jay says:

    New Reader, and spankingly so.
    In my trend mottled youth comics were moreorless browsed in secret. Not a single schoolyard pal seemed to share my taste for these captivating picture filled ‘kitty litter liners’ and to me they have always been about the artwork. The unique and interesting comic stylings of artist like Adam Hughes and Michael Turner set me scrambling to learn the art form but I’m yet to follow a story through. Maybe this will open a new door of appreciation.

  15. Matt Doc Martin says:

    I don’t read ANY DC, so I would be new reader for sure.

  16. Megan says:

    New reader! I love comicbooks and have read more of them then I care to admit, but I have never read this one before! Sounds awesome!

  17. Jim S says:

    Well someone has already picked her helping Damien. In one issue Stephanie has shown more decency and humanity to Damien (a character I HATE because I don’t like the idea of Batman being raped, well that goes for any comic character, and two Batman being a baby daddy) than he’s received from characters who should know better (I’m looking at you Alfred, Dick and Bruce).

    So I’ll go with Steph slapping Bruce. Man, he had that coming. For all the talk of Bruce being “nicer” he’s still being a d**ch*. His testing of his allies at The Insider was nothing short of cruel. His ignoring Damien and fobbing him off on Alfred and Dick is just immoral. That’s allegedly your kid. (I’m betting money that Damien is secretly Jason Todd’s).

    You don’t ignore your son. That kids needs serious help. So far only Steph has done right by him. Her slapping Bruce and holding him accountable for all his bat-d*ck*ry is an “about time” moment.

    Miller does a great job with Steph. If only we could pry Bruce away from Morrison and hand him over to Miller as well. We just might get a decent human being as Batman.

    • pseudicide says:

      I do love BQM’s writing of D more than about anyone else. Though I have been interested to see him in titans as well.

  18. allstarme says:

    Old reader, huge fan, and reviewer on a, er, “rival” site? ;) Nah. Another comic site? Yes. Favorite moment has to be from Road Home when she realizes it was Bruce tracking her the whole time and when he gives her the approval she has been seeking all along. I really think she needed that and deserved it. It also helped solidify her character within the Batfamily.

  19. Ashley says:

    Old Reader. My favorite moment would definitely have to be from the latest issue #17. I love that Stephanie has this innate personality trait to bring out the humanity out of many members of the BatFamily. Damian Wayne has got a hell of a lot to learn in terms of just working on his relationships with people. And who can blame him? Especially when he is related to Talia Al Guhl and Batman. But Stephanie is not like that. She brings out the best in everyone that she surrounds herself with. And I love her for that.

    Plus, any scene that gets Damian “Demon Spawn” Wayne in a Bouncy House can count as one of the best moments ever.

  20. Tim says:

    I am an old reader. Hands down, my favorite moment is really the entire Supergirl issue (14). It is an amazing read and BQM has a great grasp on Steph AND Kara.

    Thanks for this ladies.

  21. Camille says:

    Old Reader, and how could my favorite moment not be in Road Home when Steph slaps Bruce in the face? XD

  22. Cj says:

    Old Reader. I would have to say that Issue #14 with Supergirl is my favorite. I love every moment in that book, but mostly because I love Supergirl. The issue was fun and a nice break from the main story arc.

  23. TJ says:

    Older Reader. My favorite issue was #8 co-staring Red Robin. When she first runs into Red Robin in the batcave. Those few pages brings the end of the Robin comic full circle with their banter. Also you see where the whole robin/batgirl romance comes into play.

  24. Dave says:

    New Reader. Please enter me into the contest for the trade! Would love to do a review!

  25. New reader. I haven’t been paying much attention to anything Bat-related in a very long time and I’d love to do a review.

  26. Suzi says:

    New Reader — I’m supposing here, because I’m familiar with Stephanie quite a bit, but not in the Batgirl capacity. I’d love to be a part of it!

    PS: You ladies are my favorite part of the day. <3

  27. Jeff says:

    Old reader: My favorite moment is the first issue, which is what got me reading the series as I picked it up on a whim. There was something about the characters and the story that just clicked with me.

  28. Fee says:

    Old reader for sure! I have so many favorite moments, it’s hard to choose! One of my all time favorites, though, has to be the moment when Steph and Babs make that oath to each other in Batgirl 3. Stephanie never really had a mentor give her such a heartfelt, meaningful promise of dedication before, and as a long-time Stephanie Brown fan it had me grinning like a goof! It laid the groundwork for one of my favorite mentor-student friendships in comics!

    Though I’m also rather fond of when Nell tells Steph to “keep up the good work!” in Batgirl 4, and the moonbounce scene in Batgirl 17!

  29. illusclaire says:

    New reader, but in Britain. Sticking point?

    I know a fair bit about Steph and I’ve read reviews of the book, does that count as new?

  30. Spankminister says:

    New reader– I think it’s an interesting time for bat-books in general, with the satellite titles getting as much accolade and attention as Batman and Detective.

  31. Jimmy says:

    Old Reader.
    My favorite scene is probably the entire last issue, primarily because it made me realize how gladly I would read a Batgirl and Robin ongoing! I especially liked seeing Robin pushed into the role of acting like a normal kid, with Stephanie guiding him. That’s one advantage Stephanie has over many other heroes, is that while she has the heart of a superhero, she is essentially still just a regular kid.

  32. Old reader. Massive Batgirl fan.

    Favorite Batgirl moment? Well, the latest issue, where she became a big sister to… wait, someone already mentioned that. How about that time she met up with Supergirl and… crap, that’s taken, too. Ooh! Ooh! There was the Batman/Batgirl one-shot where she slapped… Bruce…

    Well, darn, I came in late, didn’t I? I suppose I could go with something pathetically sappy, about how, actually, I just love the entire series… but that really seems like I’m shirking the question.

    I guess there’s only one Batgirl moment that I can really bring up. And I’m sure it won’t count, but… For our entire relationship, there’s been one important thing to me that I just couldn’t get my wife interested in. At all. Obviously, it’s comics. Oh, sure, there were the occasional comic versions of some of her books, and I did get her into Fables, but she never really saw the appeal of going to the comic shop on a regular basis.

    And then I decided that my X-Men heavy pull list just wasn’t pleasing me, and I had heard great things about a Batgirl book by Brian Q Miller, and since some other writers I had heard of or already loved had some books, I decided to go ahead and give X-Men a rest and give these DC books a try. I started on issue 9, and…

    Oh, but they were fantastic. She was just such… a real hero. No clear angst in her life; she was an absolute joy. And the writing! Oh, the writing! And I picked up the graphic novel of issues 1-8, and I proceeded to beg, plead, and finally came close to just sitting on my wife to get her to read it.

    So, I suppose that’s my favorite Batgirl moment… when Bryan Q Miller and Stephanie Brown caused my wife with absolutely no interest in comics to beg me to start going to the comic shop every two weeks so she could keep up with her now-beloved characters.

  33. Christina says:

    New reader! I’ve been into comics for about a year and, while I’m reading up on Batman, I’ve got a general knowledge of the first two Batgirls. I’ve heard mixed reviews about Steph and I’d love to give her a chance!

  34. caporushes says:

    New reader! I know absolutely nothing about Stephanie other than that I want to know about her. I’m sort of new to Marvel/DC titles in general, and don’t ever know where to start with characters I am curious about.

  35. Quil_el says:

    New reader! Long time comic book reader although I’m a bit behind *hangs head in shame*. I’d love to get back into the DCverse with Batgirl. I’ve been hearing nothing but good things about it from my friends. I’m ready to give Steph a shot! =)

  36. Reg says:

    Old Reader:

    Can I just say all of issue 16? Seriously.

    I love Steph and all, but I particularly love it when Steph interacts with Damian (who is, by far, my favourite Robin, ever. I could write an essay as to why he is, but that would probably be too much.) and the end of that issue (not mentioned to avoid spoilers because some people might not have read it yet) was just…it made me So Happy.

  37. ypsilon says:

    Old reader, though I haven’t kept up as much as I should have. I picked up the Batgirl Rising trade last year and I loved it! I’ve re-read it a dozen times since I first got it, but I was playing catch-up with other titles at the time and I never got around to buying the monthlies. Until I got this month’s issue. I got back from an exam that went really well and I decided I would get myself a little reward at my local comic shop. The Batgirl cover was calling out to me, so I picked it up. Once I got home and started reading, the little voices in the back of my head started yelling: “Why in the world have you not been reading this?!” As of now, I will be picking it up every month, and I’m eagerly awaiting the second trade.

    My favourite moment? The bouncy castle scene in the latest issue is a strong contender, because it’s genuinely heartwarming. But I’m going to pick the Crowning Moment of Awesome in #3: [spoilery!]

    Steph is down, and as Scarecrow is about to deliver the final blow, Oracle yelling at her to get up, lines of dialogue from previous scenes start to come together. Steph fights back and then there’s this exchange between her and Scarecrow: “No one is brave enough to face who they really are!” “I am.” “And who might that be?!?” “I’m BATGIRL!” (delivered with a kick to Scarecrow’s head).

    I’m from Belgium, by the way, so you may not want to include me in the contest. I imagine shipping to Europe is a bit costly and a hassle. Though if it’s not a problem: awesome! :) Also, I apologize for the wall of text, I got a bit carried away.

  38. Batmandrake says:

    Old Reader. My favorite moment so far was in issue #4 with Steph’s moment with the little girl on the tour bus. “Positive reinforcement for the hero gig…not sure what the hell to do with that.” Great stuff!

  39. Apple El says:

    I’m an ‘old, old, new reader’!!! Meaning, I’m on the ‘older’ end of the age scale, so much that hubby is questioning WHY I’m reading comics now!
    Old again because, yes I have started to read Batgirl Rising and ‘new’ because I only started reading it about 2 months ago!! I saw so much good twitter about Batgirl on twitter and of course, I LOVE anything BQM touches on Smallville, so I decided to give Batgirl a go. Being in a small country town in Western Australia made it a little difficult to get my new comic interest off the ground because there are no comic shops nearby…anywhere. Luckily, e bay helped me out and after being VERY patient with Australia Post I was able to get MOST of the collection, #8 and #13 still allude me, but I am determined to get them all!

    I was hooked the moment I read the first issue and saw the absolutely AMAZING art work by Lee Garbett bringing the words to life!

    I’ve loved bits from all of the issues, but I laughed outloud at Damian standing under that darn tree in #5 in ‘urban camouflage mode’!! I even tweeted Lee Garbett about how I loved that and he said it was one of his faves too! I’m LOVING the banter between Damian and Steph and by the sounds of it will LOVE #17 when it fially gets delivered by AP someday soon *taps foot*

    My other fave moment is all of #14..the fun Kara and Steph had elimiating those pesky Draculas was a real hoot!

    Oh..I also liked meeting Proxy and seeing how she fit in with it all!

    So, sorry about the long winded post, and oops, looking at my clock, due to my timezone, I think I missed the Friday deadline, but I just wanted to share my new found love of Batgirl, actually comics as well, and to reinforce that yes girls read comics, even OLD girls!!

  40. ealperin says:

    New reader on Steph, Old reader on Supergirl. Bryan Q Miller just has the right feel for the character. Any other collectibles you might be doing later so I can give it a try?^_^

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